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What skills and qualities students need to get their first job?

You have done such hard work and have shown great perseverance to get through your high school and college, just because you dreamt of having that one gratifying and perfect job. Those years hone you and mold you to become a fitting and skilled person for the job you want to do. When you aspire to be more than what you are today and become the provider for the family, it carries a lot of weight. This weight is on your shoulders hence, missing the opportunities and messing up that one chance is costly.

That first job becomes the foundation for what you are going to be in the future, the quality and standard of the job go hand in hand with your success in the future. The main point at which everything chalks down is the skills and qualities you possess that will help you to bag that job easily and how good you are at what you do.

Do skills and qualities students need to get their first job

There are various attributes that are analyzed in every candidate who is to be selected for a job like leadership qualities, professionalism, creative thinking, delegation skills, and many more. These skills and qualities make a perfect employee who is ready to face the dynamic challenges of the corporate world.

If you want a particular job then you must have the essential skills and qualities that are relevant for the job. These are never absolute, as you gain experience on a daily basis the skills and qualities change, grow and get polished with the passage of time. Let us understand which skills and qualities are important for a student to get their first job.

Skills are the Base

The physical attributes that a person has, that make them more efficient, productive, and time-efficient are skills. These are required for the smooth running of workflow and create a sense of professionalism and perfection behind every work you do. They are bifurcated into two parts, specialized skills,s, and basic technical skills. Specialized skills are required for the completion of a specific task like sewing clothes with sewing machines and basic technical skills like cooking or driving.

The hiring teams emphasize the skills of the students and whether they complement the requirements of the company or not. Here are the skills essential for every student:

1. Communication skills

The written and verbal communication skills are highly essential for every student because every job circles around the things spoken in the meetings and business deals and written in the official documents. Understanding them thoroughly and reciprocate with the right response is only possible when you have good communication skills.

2. Business acumen

This skill is the epitome of commercial awareness. This helps us understand the workflow of the market and the trends and countertrends present. This also helps in deciding the requirements of a firm and how it creates a place for itself in the market.

3. Teamwork

The skill to make positive work relations and prove yourself as a team player with abilities to manage a team and delegate the work properly for a smooth flow of work in the company to achieve goals and targets within the given time.

4. Problem-solving

Taking a sensible approach towards every problem, making it easy to understand. The logical and analyzed approach makes the problem easier to solve and having this skill is very essential for every student to learn.

5. Confidence

To stand out of the box and showcase yourself as a confident person is important in the corporate world. To find a balance between confidence and arrogance is the skill you need to learn, as arrogance strikes a degrading trait but confidence creates an appealing persona.

Qualities are the icing

The psychological framework of a person indicating how the person is from the inside is the qualities of a person. The decisions and choices made by him show a lot about the qualities he has. The right mindset is an advantage when it comes to seeking employment, says Reed and Soltz.  The right mindset trumps over the right skill sets as skills can be taught within a short period of time but to revolutionize the thinking process of a person and change its psychological aspects is a next-to-impossible task.

The required qualities for employment change frequently but a flexible and positive mindset is enough to get a hold of any job you dream of. The only challenge is to evolve with the evolving requirements. Here are the top qualities required to get any job you dream about.

1. Have intuition:

As an employee understanding the situations around you and gauging the atmosphere is significantly important. To understand a situation without any requirement of conscious reasoning is termed intuition and to have it is like looking at the world with a different perspective, so to have that difference and quality makes an employee great.

2. Have Creativity:

Be creative in every aspect of your life, it is like learning and growing while doing things you love. Be creative on the last page of your book, be creative on the simple salad you make, be creative at anything and everything. This in turn helps you to become a good thinker, adaptive, and most importantly, creative. A person with a creative mindset trumps a person with a dull mind on any day.

3. Have Empathy

Have the ability to understand and feel the thing a person in front of you might feel. This brings out the employee-customer relation’s best version. When you know what your customers are thinking, what they want, and what is the best response for their situation then it makes you good at what you do, in turn increasing the profits.

4. Always Love to Learn

This is the quality to gain skills and acquire knowledge as you work. To be successful, knowledgeable, and intuitive, learning new things on a daily basis is a must. Even if it is a small thing like organizing your paperwork or a complicated one like learning a coding language, everything accumulates to set a bigger picture in which you are successful and stand out in the room.

5. Honesty and Integrity

The value of being honest and having a moral code to abide by is a tough task. Honesty and integrity make any employee more trustable and reliable, the truth might stain your reputation for the time being, but at the end of the day you were the one to come out with the guts, to tell the truth, and stand by your decisions. Just reading this makes an impression, imagine implementing the same in real life.

The Conclusion

To put the final nail, there are many ways you can present yourself to get employment but to come out as a skilled and refined young personality leaves a mark and makes a statement that will set a bar for your competition. Surround yourself with the people who want to see you shine as well as those who are actually skilled and have qualities that matter in life. It is easy to make friends and associates that are around you just to have a good time but the ones who ache to see you fall are the real friends. This known as the chameleon effect, you become what you surround yourself with.

Image Source – FreePik

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