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Top 5 Tips for a Great Interview

In a lockdown, around the globe, the interview process changed from assessing the strengths of the person in front of you to seeing them only through the lens of an (often grainy) laptop camera. This is no small adjustment and one that many interviewers – and interviewees – will have struggled with.

Even talking to family and close friends can seem awkward, peculiar, and unnatural, so for complete strangers, it is hardly surprising that the adjustment has been jarring for many.

Understandably, many managers want to gauge the body language of the interviewee in conversation, ask the receptionist how friendly they were upon arrival, and simply trust the gut feeling you get when the right candidate is in front of you.

Top 5 Tips for a Great Interview

If you want to switch back to a traditional interview style in the most effective way, follow these 5 easy steps to success.

  1. Ditch Traditional Catch-Out Questions

If you were to survey anybody you know with this question: ‘Have you ever been asked what your greatest weakness is?’, the answer will be a resounding yes with a slight downward inflection in their tone, and maybe even a groan. Most people have rehearsed their answer but dread the question coming up and given the likelihood of hearing more than a white lie, we think it might be time to replace questions like these.

  1. Build Rapport Between Answers

Perhaps not every time, but when your prospective employee answers with a story or fact about themselves that is genuinely interesting or relatable to you personally, add to their statement or ask a follow-up question. This benefits both of you as you can ascertain whether you click with them conversationally as well as the candidate warming to you and becoming more relaxed.

  1. Adopt a Conversational Tone

It is understandable that employers wish to set the tone in terms of power dynamics, however, any overt displays of social dominance run the risk of the candidate rejecting a job offer in an ironic power reversal. Rather than a stringent reading of the questions on the page, try to bridge the social gap early in the conversation to help your candidate answer with ease.

  1. Positive Body Language

Conventional wisdom proposes candidates remain mindful of their body language at the interview – and for good reason, however, the interviewer also has a role to play in the field of subconscious signals. An interview is also a chance for you to sell your company as desirable and since people seek an emotional experience in all they do, smiling from the outset and actively listening with head nods and an open posture will help to convey your likability.

  1. Relay the Benefits

Explicitly stating the benefits and perks of the role is particularly pertinent if you are recruiting from a younger generational pool as the focus has shifted with regard to jobhunting. Younger people often state they wish to work for a company that is socially and environmentally aware, as well as diverse in their workforce. Plus, the benefits of a role interests high-quality candidates as they may have more than one offer!

Image Source – FreePik

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