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Watch Out For These 12 Must-Follow Hiring Trends In 2022

Thanks to the pandemic, the hiring process is witnessing a massive digital shift, breaking all apprehensions about its efficacy and impact on real jobs. Accessible technology, broader network reach, and smarter automation are gradually helping recruiters to create an experience that was once considered inconceivable. These changes are, in fact, a precursor to recruitment trends that will govern the ways the companies hire in 202 and beyond.

Master the art of hiring with these 5 technology trends

Although digital hiring was always on the cards for companies, the pandemic hastened its implementation on a massive scale. Remote working culture expedited digital hiring in both large corporates and small companies alike. According to a survey report, a whopping 24% of companies have already implemented AI in their hiring applications. And many more are expected to implement it by the end of the year.

The pandemic-stricken period also witnessed the sporadic rise of Recruitment process outsourcing companies that cater to the various hiring needs of companies. The abundant digital resources and skills equip the RPO service providers to be the perfect partners for corporates in augmenting their recruitment process.

5  Hiring trends to look forward to in 2022

Here are five technology-driven hiring strategies that are expected to make recruitment processes more inclusive, culture-oriented, and digitally driven.

5  Hiring trends to look forward to in 2021

Adopting an employee-first culture

Reducing the turnover rates has become the new recruitment mantra. According to a popular survey, it was discovered that employees tend to skip jobs if they don’t feel included. Hence, employee engagement has become an important strategy to reduce turnover rates. Here are a few tactics used by renowned recruiters to reduce turnover rates.

➤ Conducting interviews that assess the candidates’ growth potential and loyalty

➤ Organizing inclusion programs during onboarding processes to improve employee trust.

➤ Enhancing diversity and inclusivity in the hiring programs.

➤ Encouraging technology adaptability and communication skills.

Utilizing AI for diverse and gender-neutral hiring

With social movements emphasizing acceptance of the human race irrespective of age, gender, religion, sexuality, race, and other attributes, diversity hiring is a concept that is fast piquing interest in the job market. Unfortunately, workplace biases are still an everyday story. About half of the global workforce claims that organizations still show low tolerance towards their diverse workforce.

Awareness movements have been, in a way, successfully promoting diversity acceptance in workplaces.  Many companies and organizations are hiring onsite DE&I trainers to raise awareness and sensitivity to harmful behaviors and communication. Diversity Builder is one industry training leader who customizes the program to uphold the organization’s mission, vision, and core values. Steps to facilitate diversity hiring are in the process, and many organizations have already adopted interview panels with diverse participation. AI-driven tools like video interviewing tools eliminate bias to a large extent. Objectivity and predictive model AI applications enable employers to create interviews with the same questions for every candidate.

Adopting skills-based testing methods

With 84% of hiring going online, companies are increasingly investing in skill-based testing to ensure efficient hiring. This is driving a faster screening along with ensuring essential skill evaluations.

Studies have further proved that candidates recruited by using advanced RPO strategies are likely to perform better than the employees recruited by conventional hiring. Online assessments also attribute to bias-free hiring and ensure that recruits enjoy a longer term with their employers.

Embracing virtual recruiting practices

End-to-end virtual hiring is now an unavoidable hiring practice. It is estimated that this hiring practice is likely to extend beyond 2022, making it a recruiting trend to look forward to.

With automation and AI applications eliminating the repetitive tasks of conducting video interviews, the foray of an end-to-end virtual hiring trend is a boon for recruiters. Here is how virtual hiring methods are making hiring an easy process.

  • Automating the creation of job descriptions with AI applications
  • Screening candidates with predictive algorithms and machine learning
  • Communicating interview schedules and associated messages with automated emails and chatbots
  • Tracking applicant’s applications for easy updates

Using virtual tools for onboarding

Virtual tools have been a great source of assistance for recruiters. AI tools can process thousands of applications at a moment’s notice. Just imagine the hours of manual work and stress it would save!

AI has offloaded the repetitive tasks to bots and has enabled recruiters to be more accessible for their new hires. By being available for the recruits, AI-driven tools are keeping up the employee morale at its best. Besides simplifying the hiring tasks, AI-driven tools augment every service by being fast, error-free and transparent.

Putting safety and privacy first

There is no doubt that technology is inevitable in future hiring processes. But there is also a huge concern amongst the candidates regarding the misuse of their personal information through these platforms.

Although the apprehensions are true and cyber-attacks have become a common issue affecting every business, secured applications are also fast evolving in the market. RPO companies always opt for safe applications and ensure that candidate data are not exposed unwarranted. This assurance is critical in lifting the brand image of a company.

Top Employee Retention and Hiring Strategies In 2022

Internal hiring and mobility

The pandemic has created a tough situation for job hoppers. Grueling employment situations and increasing layoffs are compelling many of them to be content with their current positions. These developments have increased internal mobility within companies and have significantly reduced the costs and efforts involved in new recruitment.

A recent study claimed that 20% of employers had increased their internal hiring, retaining their highly talented workforce within the organization. Internal mobility has thus become a solid way of reducing recruitment cost and retaining the talented workforce.

Mutual feedback sharing

Recruitment methods normally include a routine of sharing feedback from their new hires. Employees look forward to this experience as feedback sharing improves their relations with their employers on a personal level. But a recent finding cites that recruits also prefer negotiating contractual terms including flexibility, career growth, and benefits at the initial hiring stages. These negotiations can ensure greater employee retention in the future.

An open and transparent hiring process

Did you know that a conspicuous and unclear hiring practice can damage your brand image? Many candidates cite an open and just hiring process as a factor that enhances the employer’s credibility. RPO services offer a range of tips to help improve your hiring transparency.

  • Inform the candidates about hiring processes, the time to hire, and the number of stages the hiring would involve.
  • Communicate the salary range beforehand to avoid unnecessary confusion.
  • Follow a proper recruitment timeline. This will help the candidates to be assured of their status and also enhance their trust in you.
  • Avoid empty promises, as these can badly damage your reputation in the job market.

Proper and constructive feedback

Hiring can be a tough job, especially when managers have to reject the applicants. While it is not possible to hire everyone, it is equally important to ensure that all the applicants are given constructive feedback. This practice propagates a good reputation for the company both in the job market and on social media.

A satisfied candidate is more likely to spread a good word about the company and help raise your brand image. Hence, if you are looking forward to creating a distinct brand image, ensure that you help your candidates with proper feedback.

Embracing project-based hiring trends

RPO services have been observing a significant change in the way companies are recruiting. The Pandemic has been a huge realization that work flexibility can increase access to a larger talent pool, facilitate better retention, and, of course, offer incredible cost-saving. This means that future hiring is likely to be purely project-based hiring rather than permanent hiring.

Employees with medium skills are likely to be hired for specific roles temporarily at large. Similarly, specialist employees will be recruited for special projects to offer their innovative perspectives.

The changing facets of HR

The HR industry is facing an abrupt shift in working culture. The sudden influx of virtual hiring and employee engagement needs has severely affected the way HR operates. 2022 and the years beyond are about to witness a major change in HR operations, skill sets, and other strategies. There is a huge call to improve the human resource industry’s development skills, diversity, and inclusion capabilities.

These HR skills would be the major hiring trends corporates would witness in 2022. If you are yet to adapt to these skills, then it is high time you get going.

Work flexibility will continue to be the popular demand of candidates as the pandemic is forecasted to continue its wrath for a couple more years. Embracing a digital recruitment technique, bias-free employee inclusion, and speedy recruitment will undoubtedly be the other trends that would reign in 2022 and the future.

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