HPSC AE Civil Admit Card:
Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has released HPSC AE Civil Admit Card. for the recruitment of Assistant Engineer (Civil) Group – B, in Housing Board, Haryana, against Advt. No. 6 (18) of 2013. It is made clear that all the candidates who had applied for these posts are provisionally allowed to appear in the Recruitment/ Screening Test subject to the fulfillment of all eligibility conditions as per adveftisement and the eligibility of the candidates who will be declared qualified for interview will be decided/ checked later on. The HPSC AE Civil Exam will be held on 09.06.2018 (10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon). Candidates may download HPSC AE Civil Admit Card from given below link:
- Download HPSC AE (Civil) Admit Card
- Download Examination Notice
- Official Website
HPSC veterinary surgeon Admit Card:- Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has released HPSC veterinary surgeon Admit Card 2018. Candidates may login with their registration number and date of birth for download HPSC veterinary surgeon Admit Card 2018 from given below link:
- Download HPSC veterinary surgeon Admit Card
- Official Website